My mom's special walnut breadI wish I could send you the special good smell of this bread while my mom was cooking it in the oven!

Lazania-I cooked it myself!
Although Lazania,Pizza,Spaghetti are Italian foods,Iranian people cook it in their own way.As You see in the photo I cooked it ;)

Khoresh-e-Karafs (Celery)
This is a Famous Iranian food that is so delicious and healthy.We try it with hot over steamed rice.There is a secret about this food that most of the Iranian men do not like it.As my father,brother and aunt's husband avoid to eat this Khoresh. I really do not know why?! but I offer you to experience it!
Finally,I found a free time to update this blog.I still do not enough time to post the ingredients and methods of these foods,So I just send the photos.But be sure that I will answer all your probable questions about them.